Watch these Youtube videos which explain how our biz consulting services can assist your company

DARE to Follow Your DREAM!

Trinity empowers you to follow your dream, whatever that is, and where ever that leads you. Start your own freelance business, build your existing business or contribute to your social cause, club, political or social organization and important issues to you and your family.

Trinity can assist you assembling your memberships, supporters, prospects and future customers.

We have worked for and consulted for some the best companies and clients.





The future is unlimited!

We can assist in identifying unique companies in your prospect lists above.

We can assist in identifying SOHO, home based or enterprise sized prospects above.

We can assist in identifying the correct industry vertical of your prospects.

We can assist in identifying ethnic niches in your prospect or customer lists.

We can assist in assembling lists. Watch the Join This Club video above.

Watch the video below first for inspiration to follow your dreams 


If you are starting a new company we recommend watching these very informative videos below...

Before we designed our Mobile App "Trinity Phones" our Founders and team members watched these videos and were inspired to build our new start-up company!




12 Lessons from Steve Jobs

1. Experts are clueless

2. Customers can not tell you what they need in revolutionary new products

3. The Biggest challenges bring out the best work

4. Design counts- it’s the human interface (the skin) not so much the program

5. Use big graphics and big fonts

6. Make major jumps of 10X better not just 10% better

7. It either works or it does not work. That’s it

8. Value is different from price

9. APlayers hire Aplayers

10. Real CEOs can demo their own products

11. Real entrepreneurs ship first generation  products without all the future bells and whistles

12. Some things need to be believed before they are seen

7 Secrets of Success

1. Do what you love, don’t settle

2. Put a dent in the universe-big visions

3. Say No to a thousand things- reduce the clutter

4. Kick start your brain by doing something new

5. Sell dreams not products

6. Create insanely creative experiences for your customers

7. Master the message- Good Artists copy but Great Artists steal!




In particular if you are developing a Mobile App watch the video below...

                    ORDER our DIY Tiny House Plans for $49 416-271-7752

Get our Phone 
App on Amazon now!      

Coming Soon for iPhone iOS

                                                                Coming Soon on Google Play


Our North American Sales & Administration offices are located in Saugeen Shores Southampton  Ontario, Barrie Ontario and Toronto Ontario

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